
Disaster Management

Vidisha District is situated in the center of Madhya Pradesh and it comes in Bhopal division. Ancient base nagar was known as ancient vidisha which is 3 k.m. far from modern vidisha. On the west coast of Betwa,on the destruction of Base Nagar . A new city emerged on the east bank of the river which was know Bhilasvimeen or Bhailasween Vidisha, in the degree of Indian survey department No.54H,55E 55E under which from 23° 20 to 24° 21 latitude and from 77°15 to 78° 19 E longitude ,is located in the middle of Madhya Pradesh.
It’s headquarter is district vidisha, it’s consists of 12 tehsils and 7 blocks. According to population district is at 21st place.

District Disaster Management Plan click here i

Introduction of District and General Information

  1. Basic information of district
  2. Details of the administrative units of the district and rail, road and air transport network
  3. Climate and average temperature of the district
  4. Geo-textures and geographical information of the district
  5. History of disasters in the district